Thursday, December 22, 2011

My latest L.O.V.E. addiction: My Sewing Machine

I made a new friend over the summer, she was righteous, kind, and curious. We shared secrets, advice, suggestions, lunch, clothes, and went on walks and excursions together. When it was time for her to depart Chicago, she gave me her SEWING MACHINE! I hadn't seen mine in a year, as it was still and remains in storage back in Berkeley. So, with this newly gifted machine, for the first 3 months it sat on the shelf in my closet. I dusted it off and tried it out and figured I'd get to a project at some point! Another month passed by and I got a burst of creativity, motivation, and spiritual inspiration to CREATE more! I took it out, pulled in our patio table, and made it my sewing work table! I took the sewing machine to a great local sewing/seamstress/fashion designer, an older man who knows everything about sewing and pattern making. I took my machine to him after passing his shop several times and looking through the window, wondering what kind of place it was. He charged me $10 to tune up my machine and he gave me (gifted me) 5 bobbins to fit my machine.
After bringing home my machine with new bobbins, I had to figure out what fabric I'd use to make my new obsession: Diaper Covers! Yes, that's right, baby diaper covers! 
So I dug through my closet again, pulling out old clothes that I could re-work and utilize the fabric for various diaper covers. The first piece: An old Polar Fleece Jacket!
With its odd yellowish/pea green color, it would be perfect to use for this project, plus a good way to practice my sewing skills (I was a little rusty after not using a sewing machine for over a year!)  I free-styled it, I didn't use a patter, I just drew it out on the fabric with a piece of my 3yr old's blue chalk.
Here's the outcome of my first Polar Fleece Baby Diaper Cover:
I then posted it on Facebook to get reviews and feedback, and guess what? I got several responses on pricing and future customers and people asking me to email them when they are ready for 'sale.'

Am I ready to start selling these? I know I'm a birth doula and a great resourceful and creative mama, but I needed more practice! So...for the last 3 days, I've been obsessed with making and perfecting my skills at sewing a baby diaper cover. Here are the covers I've made so far! And, they're all water resistant and reversible!

So what do you think? I plan to make at least 8 more. These are a range of sizes, Small (up to 15 pounds); Medium (15-24 pounds); and Large (24-34 pounds).

What do you think?

Tiff's Vegan Oatmeal Cookies: Dairy, Wheat, Egg Free

Some of my dearest loved ones have severe food allergies to gluten, dairy, and eggs. So I was inspired and determined to come up with a recipe for soft, oatmeal cookies that they could enjoy. Recently, after listening to an interview on Gnostic Media with Dr. William Davis based on his book "Wheat Belly," I have decided to experiment with my own household wheat intake. For instance, I've rid our diets of wheat products and by-products, resorting to either brown rice or sprouted sunflower! SO, I wanted to share my recipe with you all during the Winter Solstice.

Here's my recipe for awesome soft Oatmeal Raisin cookies that are WHEAT, DAIRY and EGG Free! 

1.5 cups rice flour
3/4 cup oats (I put mine in the grinder)
1.5 tsps baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 cup grapeseed oil OR Vegan Butter melted
1/2 cup sugar (I used organic cane sugar; in the past I've used turbinado)
1 tsp vanilla
1.5 tsps egg substitute (ener-g) OR ground Flax Seed (I used ground flax)
2 tbsps water
2 tbsps maple syrup OR 1/2 Mashed Banana 
3/4 cup raisins
2 tbsps rice milk (I used 1/4 cup when mashing banana)

Baked on 375 for 10 minutes and they come out so delicious!

Here is the interview of Dr. William Davis' interview on his book "Wheat Belly":

Monday, May 23, 2011

Black Womens Reproductive Justice & ICTC Speak Out

Greetings! I intentionally attended the BWRJ SPEAK OUT held in Chicago's Jackson Park on May 18th, 2011. I observed, noticed there was a small gathering of majority black women who sat in the audience, channel 7 news was present, filming the introductions made by BWRJ. After hearing the guest speakers come forward, I felt compelled to share my story and to SPEAK OUT on abortion and how a woman is sometimes cornered to make a decision without having the support she needs during pregnancy. I spoke about the RAGE I felt as I drove past huge billboards that shamed black women who have abortions (as these billboards were posted by a multi-million dollar Texas based anti-abortion company) and are strategically placed throughout Chicago's south and west side neighborhoods, which are mainly filled with black women. I spoke out about the need for black women needing the space, the resources, and the support that so many lack supporting their decisions about birth.

As a mother of 2, and a birth doula, I feel compelled to share my story with many more women who suffer through making life changing events.

More from Black Women Reproductive Justice please check their website:
and Flyer:

Monday, March 21, 2011


I had my first Reflexology session last Wednesday and it was really healing for me. I felt its affects immediately and was physically sore from the session for 2 days following.

At the session, the Reflexologist told me I have an issue with my Thyroid and my Ovaries. My Thyroid, I experienced indigestion and digestive issues for several days following. I ended up fasting on Friday and part of Saturday in need of relief and to feel lighter. With my Ovaries, I experienced cramping and soreness in my thighs and lower abdomen. I have been drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea and using essential oils on my lower abdomen for comfort.

Today, I am feeling much better. I'm feeling lighter and really paying close attention to my natural responses to environment and food intake as well as my stress and emotional levels which were heightened the days following our reflexology session.

I found my first Reflexology session to be filled with wonderful insight performed with healing hands. I look forward for another session in the near future.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Raw Food Cleanse

For the past 11 days I've been on a Raw Food Cleanse eating mostly citrus fruits, nuts, and veggies. I have eliminated carbs, and sweets. Hard, but it is definitely worth the work. Greens straight from the garden up the hill; raw almonds from Whole Foods; and organic oranges and grapefruit! I've been drinking lots of water and tea (burdock root, ginger root, mint, astragalus, licorice, and catsclaw)! The toxins are being flushed out of my body which makes me feel lighter!

this guy knows whats up too:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gluten-Free Baking...

So, I've totally gone nuts over Gluten-Free Desserts...

YES! I bake! I bake Cookies, Chocolate Cakes, Brownies, and Cupcakes all Gluten-free!

Next I'll be making decadent Vegan desserts...stay-tuned!

Email for special occasions.

Reiki & Meditation: Where's Your Life Force?

As of January 10th, 2011 I'll be a Certified Reiki Level I & II Practitioner.

Reiki is...

a form of therapy in which the practitioner is believed to channel
energy into the patient in order to encourage
healing or restore well being

[Japanese, from rei universal + ki life force]

For New Clients, there is a $35 Intake and $60 for a 45-min Session.

Meditations are $10 per 30-minute Session and topics range from
Love, Silence, Chakra Cleansing, Fear Releasing,
Energy Building, and Deep Breathing.